Ashraf Kassim

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Professor & Associate Provost (Education)

Telephone: +65 6499 4560
Pillar / Cluster: Information Systems Technology and Design
Research Areas:Artificial and Augmented Intelligence, Interactive Computing, Data Science


Ashraf Kassim is Associate Provost for Graduate Studies and a Professor with the Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD) pillar at SUTD.

Prior to joining SUTD, Ashraf had been Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) of the National University of Singapore (NUS) since completing his PhD at Carnegie Mellon University. At NUS, he held senior administrative positions at the University level including Director of Research and Vice-Provost since 2014 prior to which he also held senior positions from 2001 at the Engineering school (Vice-Dean) and ECE Dept (Deputy-Head), and at the Ministry of Education as Assistant Director (Higher Education-Universities) from 1999 to 2000. Prior to joining NUS, Ashraf was with Texas Instruments where he was involved in research and development of machine vision algorithms for automation equipment used at their high volume IC production plants worldwide.

A recipient of Mendaki Foundation’s Anugerah Cemerlang (Academic Excellence) Award, Ashraf received an Institution of Engineers Singapore award for his contributions to the Engineering Accreditation Board in 2011, the Public Administration Medal (Bronze) in 2012 and the National Day Long Service Award in 2018. Prof Ashraf Kassim was a Council Member of the Central Singapore Community Development Council (1997-2000) and served previously in Republic Polytechnic’s School of Engineering’s Advisory Committee (2002-2014), and had been a board member of the Singapore Science Centre, Singapore Synchrotron Light Source and Centre for Maritime Studies.

Prof Ashraf Kassim received various teaching awards over the year`s including the NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award. His main research interests are in the areas of computer vision, medical image analysis, image processing and machine/ deep learning. Ashraf has published several book chapters, a book, and over 170 technical journal and conference publications. Ashraf has also been involved in the programme and organising committees of a number of international conferences, and is also on the editorial boards of several journals.


  • Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University
  • M.Eng., National University of Singapore
  • B.Eng.(Electrical Engineering) – First Class Honors, National University of Singapore.


  • 2018 National Day Award, Long Service Award.
  • 2012 National Day Award, Public Administration Medal (Bronze).
  • Friends of the Institution of Engineers Singapore Award.
  • National University of Singapore, Annual Teaching Excellence Award.
  • National University of Singapore Overseas Postgraduate Scholarship.
  • National University of Singapore Research Scholarship.
  • MENDAKI Foundation Academic Excellence Award.


  • Team Submission achieved 2nd Rank at ‘FashionGen challenge 2018: organized at the Computer Vision for Fashion, Art and Design Workshop at the European Conference on Computer Vision 2018 (ECCV2018) in Germany.
  • Team Submission received 1st prize in 2 categories of the Facial Landmark Tracking in Wild Challenge (300VW) at ICCV 2015.
  • Team Submission Ranked #1 with state-of-the-art performance for the temporal localization category of the THUMOS Challenge 2015 (at CVPR2015) which aims at exploring new approaches for large-scale action recognition with a large number of classes from open source videos in a realistic setting.
  • Team Submission achieved First place in the 2014 MSR-Bing Image Retrieval Challenge @ ICME 2014 organized by Microsoft Research in partnership with Bing. The topic of the challenge is web image retrieval and involved assessing effectiveness of query terms in describing images crawled from the web.

Selected Publications


Book Chapters

  • “Potential fields and neural networks”, The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, The MIT Press, pp 749-752, June 1995. (A.A. Kassim and B.V.K.V. Kumar)
  • “Context based Interpretation of video data”, Managing Multimedia Semantics, (U. Srinivasan and S. Nepal, Eds.), pp. 77-98, Idea Group Publishers, 2005 (A. Mittal, L.F. Cheong, A.A. Kassim and K.V. Pagalthivarthi)
  • “An algorithm for AB-initio DNA motif detection”, Information Processing and Living Systems (VB Bajic and TW Tan, Eds.), In Information Processing and Living Systems, pp:611 614. World Scientific, 2005. (E Huang, L Yang, A.A Kassim, V.B. Bajic)
  • “Medical Image Processing”. Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science & Engineering, ed. Benjamin Wah. John Wiley & Sons, (P Yan, A.A Kassim), 2007.
  • “A survey of popular 3D soft-body animation compression approaches”, Computer Animation, ed. Jaron S. Wright and Lloyd M. Hughes, pg: 85-111. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Publishers, (S Ramanathan, A.A Kassim), 2010.
  • “Dictionary Learning Applications for HEp-2 Cell Classification”, Biomedical Signal Processing in Big Data (Vol. PART 3 – Signal Processing of Medical Big Data), ed. E. Sejdic, & T. H. Falk, CRC Press, (S Monajemi, S Ensafi, S Lu, AA Kassim, CL Tan, S Sanei, SH Ong), 2017.

Journal Publications

  • KE Ak, JH Lim, JY Tham, AA Kassim; “Semantically Consistent Text to Fashion Image Synthesis with an enhanced Attentional Generative Adversarial Network”, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 135 pp 22-29, July 2020.
  • KE Ak, JH Lim, JY Tham, AA Kassim; “Which shirt for my first date? Towards a Flexible Attribute-based Fashion Query System”, Pattern Recognition Letters, July 2018.
  • S Ensafi, S Lu, AA Kassim, CL Tan CL; “Accurate HEp-2 cell classification based on sparse bag of words coding”, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Vol. 57 pp. 40 – 49, 2017.
  • D Zonoobi, SF Roohi, AA Kassim, JL Jaremko; “Dependent nonparametric bayesian group dictionary learning for online reconstruction of dynamic MR images” Pattern Recognition Vol. 63 pp. 518 – 530: 2017.
  • SF Roohi, D Zonoobi, AA Kassim, JL Jaremko; “Multi-dimensional low rank plus sparse decomposition for reconstruction of under-sampled dynamic MRI”, Pattern Recognition Vol. 63 pp. 667 – 679, 2017.
  • S Ensafi, S Lu, AA Kassim, CL Tan; “Accurate HEp-2 Cell Classification Based on Sparse Coding of Superpixels”, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 82 pp. 64 – 71; 2016.
  • B Mandal, Z WANG, LY Li, AA Kassim; “Performance evaluation of local descriptors and distance measures on benchmarks and first-person-view videos for face identification”, Neurocomputing, 184, pp: 107-116, 2016
  • D Zoonobi, AA Kassim, “A computationally efficient method for reconstructing sequences of MR images from undersampled K-space data”. Medical Image Analysis, 18, no. 6, pp: 857-865, 2014
  • D Zoonobi, AA Kassim, “”On ECG reconstruction using Weighted-Compressive Sensing”. Healthcare Technology Letters, 1, no. 2 pp: 68-73, 2014.
  • D Zoonobi, AA Kassim, “On the reconstruction of sequences of sparse signals – The Weighted CS”, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 24, no. 2 pp: 196-202, 2013.
  • B Ni, S YAN, Q Tian, AA Kassim*, “High-order Context Modeling by Spatialized Random Forest”. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 22, no. 2 pp:739-751, 2013
  • YV Venkatesh, AA Kassim, J Yuan, TD Nhuyen, “On the Simultaneous Recognition of Identity and Expression from BU-3DFE Datasets”.Pattern Recognition Letters, 33, no. 13, pp: 1785-1793, 2012.
  • KM Ajay, Y Aloimonos, LF Cheong, AA Kassim, “Active Visual Segmentation”. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, 34, no. 4; pg: 639-653, 2012.
  • B Ni, S Yan, AA Kassim, “Learning a Propagable Graph for Semi-supervised Learning: Classification and Regression”. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 24, no. 1, pg: 114-12, 2012.
  • D Zoonobi, AA Kassim, V.Y. Venkatesh, “Gini Index as Sparsity Measure for Signal Reconstruction from Compressive Samples”. IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 5, no. 5; pg:927-932, 2011.
  • A.A. Kassim, W.S. Lee, Z Dornoosh, “Hierarchical Segmentation based Image Coding using Hybrid Quad Binary Trees”. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp: 1284 1291, 2009.
  • A.A. Kassim, EH Tan & WS Lee, “3D Color Set Partitioning In Hierarchical Trees”, Circuits Systems & Signal Processing, 28, no. 1 (2009): pgs:41-53.
  • YV Venkatesh, A.A. Kassim & VRM Oruganti, “A Novel Approach to Classification of Facial Expressions from 3D Mesh Datasets using Modified PCA”. Pattern Recognition Letters, 30, pp: 1128-1137, 2009.
  • P. Yan, A.A. Kassim, W Shen & M Shah, “Modeling Interaction for Segmentation of Neighboring Structures”, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in BioMedicine, 13, no. 2, pp: 252-262, 2009.
  • W.S. Lee & A.A. Kassim,”Signal & Image Approximation using interval wavelet transform”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 16, no. 1, pp: 46-56, Jan 2007.
  • P Yan & A.A. Kassim, “Medical Image Segmentation Using Minimal Path Deformable Models with Implicit Shape Priors”, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in BioMedicine, 10, no. 4, pp: 677-684, 2006.
  • M.A. Mannan, M Zhu & A.A. Kassim, “Tool Condition classification using Hidden Markov Model based on fractal analysis of machined surface textures ” Machine Vision and Applications, 17, no. 5, pp: 327-336, 2006.
  • P Yan & A.A. Kassim, “MRA image segmentation with capillary geodesic active countours”, Medical Image Analysis, 10, no. 4, pp: 677-684, 2006.
  • Y.T. Jia, W.S. Lin & A.A. Kassim, “Estimating Just Noticeable Distortion for Video Sequences”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 16, no. 7, pp: 820-829, 2006.
  • G Khurana, A.A. Kassim, T.P. Chua, M Bi Mi, “A Pipelined Hardware Implementation of In loop Deblocking Filter in H.264/AVC”, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 52, no. 2, pp: 536-540, 2006.
  • K.C. Wong, AA Kassim and K.W.C. Foong, “Analysis of esthetic smiles using computer vision techniques”, American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 128, 3, pp. 404-411, September 2005.
  • P Li, B Veeravalli, A.A. Kassim, “Design and Implementation of Parallel Video Encoding Strategies Using Divisible Load Analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 15, 9, pp1098-1112, September 2005.
  • A.A. Kassim, P Yan, W.S Lee and K Sengupta, “Motion Compensated Lossy-to-Lossless Compression of 4-D MRI Data Using Integer Wavelet Transforms”, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in BioMedicine, 9, 1, pp 132-138, March 2005.
  • A.A. Kassim, C.W. Seetoh, “Improving The SPIHT Using Virtual Encapuslation”, Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing, 23, 6, pp. 506-515, 2004.
  • W. Feng, A.A. Kassim, C.K. Tham, “A Scalable Video Codec for layered video streaming”, Real Time Imaging, 10, pp. 297-305, October 2004.
  • A.A. Kassim, M Zhu and M.A. Mannan, “Connectivity Oriented Fast Hough Transform for Tool Wear Monitoring”, Vol. 37, Pattern Recognition, pp: 1925-1933, September 2004.
  • K.W. Lee, and A.A. Kassim, “Automated Estimation of Misconvergence in Color Monitors”, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 50, no. 1, pp: 39-45, February 2004.
  • S Gupta, K Sengupta, A.A. Kassim, “Registration, Partitioning based Compression of 3D Dynamic Data”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 1144-1155, November 2003.
  • A.A. Kassim, W.S. Lee, “Embedded Color Image Coding using SPIHT with Modified Spatial Orientation Trees”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 203-206, February 2003.
  • S Gupta, K Sengupta, A.A. Kassim, “Compression of 3D Dynamic Geometry Data using Iterative Close Point Algorithm”, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 87, PP 116-130, 2002.
  • A.A. Kassim, W.S. Lee, “Low Bit Rate Video Coding using Color Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Tree Scheme”, Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 20, no. 2, pp 253-270, October 2001.
  • W.S. Lee, A.A. Kassim, “Embedded Color Image Coding using Modified Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Tree Scheme”, 6th World Multi Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics & Informatics SCI 2002, vol. XIII, pp 398-403, Orlando USA, July 2001.
  • A.A. Kassim, L.F. Zhou, “Rate Scalable Object Based Wavelet Codec with Implicit Shape Coding “, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 10, no. 7, pp 1068-1079, October 2000.
  • A.A. Kassim, HY. Zhou, and S. Ranganath, “Automatic IC Orientation Checks”,Machine Vision and Applications, vol. 12, no. 3, pp 107-112, October 2000.
  • MA Mannan, A.A. Kassim, and M Jing, ” Application of image and sound analysis techniques to monitor the condition of cutting tools”, Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 10, no. 5, pp 257 – 263, March 2000.
  • A.A. Kassim, MA Mannan, and M Jing, “Machine tool condition monitoring using workpiece surface texture analysis”, Machine Vision and Applications, vol. 11, pp 257-263, 2000.
  • K.W.C. Foong, A. Sandham, S.H. Ong, A.A. Kassim, and C.W. Wong, “Surface laser scanning of cleft palate deformity- validation of the method”, Annals Academy of Medicine (Singapore), pp 642 – 649, 1999.
  • A.A. Kassim , K.S. Chua, F.K. Fong, and S. Ranganath, “A DSP-based system for real-time video communications”, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, vol. 1, pp 47-53, January 1999.
  • A.A. Kassim and B.V.K.V. Kumar, “Path Planners based on the Wave Expansion Neural Network”, Robots & Autonomous Systems, Vol. 26, pp. 1-22, Jan 1999.
  • HY. Zhou, A.A. Kassim and S. Ranganath, “A fast algorithm for detecting die extrusion defects in IC packages”, Machine Vision and Applications, vol. 11, pp 37-41, 1998.
  • J.Y. Tham, S. Ranganath, M. Ranganath, A.A. Kassim, “A Novel Unrestricted Center-Biased Diamond Search for Block Motion Estimation”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 8, no. 4, pp 369-377, 1998, August 1998.
  • J.Y. Tham, S. Ranganath, A.A. Kassim, “Highly scalable Wavelet based video codec for very low-bit rate environment”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 16 No1. pp12-27, January 1998.
  • A.A. Kassim and B.V.K.V. Kumar, “Path Planning for Autonomous Robots Using Neural Networks”, Special Issue: Neural Network Applications, Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 7 (1-2), pp. 33-55, 1997.
  • A.A. Kassim and B.V.K.V. Kumar, “The Wave Expansion Neural Network”, Neurocomputing, 16(3), pp. 237-258, September 1997.
  • A.A. Kassim, F.K. Fong, K.S. Chua and S Ranganath, “A DSP based Video Compression System”, Microprocessors and Microsystems, 20(9), pp. 541-551, May 1997.
  • A.A. Kassim and B.V.K.V. Kumar, “Using the Wave Expansion Neural Network for path generation”, Proc. SPIE, Applications of Artificial Neural Networks, V, Steven K. Rogers; Dennis W. Ruck; Eds., Vol. 2243, pp 406-419, Bellingham, WA, USA, April 1994.
  • A.A. Kassim and B.V.K. Vijaya Kumar, “A Neural Network Architecture for Generating Artificial Potential Fields”, SPIE Conference, San Diego, CA, July 1992, Proc. SPIE Vol. 1766, 94-105. Neural and Stochastic Methods in Image and Signal Processing, Su-Shing Chen; Ed.
  • K.N. Ngan, A.A. Kassim, H. S. Singh,”Parallel image processing system based on the TMS32010 digital signal processor”, IEE Proceedings, Vol. 134, Pt. E, No. 2, March 1987.

Conference Publications

  • H Zou, KE Aik, AA Kassim; “Edge-GAN: Edge conditioned multi-view face image generation”, International Conference On Image Processing (ICIP) 2020.
  • KE Ak, JH Lim, JY Tham, AA Kassim; “Attribute Manipulation Generative Adversarial Networks for Fashion Images”, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019.
  • KE Ak, JH Lim, JY Tham, AA Kassim; “Semantically Consistent Hierarchical Text to Fashion Image Synthesis with an enhanced-Attentional Generative Adversarial Network, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshop.
  • KE Ak, JH Lim, JY Tham, AA Kassim; “Efficient Multi-Attribute Similarity Learning Towards Attribute-based Fashion Search”, In Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), pp: 1671-1679, 2018.
  • KE Ak, JH Lim, JY Tham, AA Kassim; “Learning Attribute Representations with Localization for Flexible Fashion Search.” In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp: 7708-7717, 2018.
  • S Xiao, J Li, Y Chen, Z Wang, J Feng, S Yan, AA Kassim; “3D-Assisted Coarse-to-Fine Extreme-Pose Facial Landmark Detection”, Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition CVPR Vol. 2017-July pp: 2060–2068, 2017.
  • S Xiao, L Liu, X Nie; J Feng, AA Kassim, S Yan; “A live face swapper”, Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Multimedia Conference pp. 691 – 692: 2016.
  • S Monajemi, S Ensafi, S Lu, AA Kassim, CL Tan, S Sanei, SH Ong; “Classification of HEp-2 Cells Using Distributed Dictionary Learning” 24TH European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) pp. 1163–1167, 2016.
  • SF Roohi, D Zonoobi, AA Kassim, JL Jaremko; “Dynamic MRI Reconstruction Using Low Rank Plus Sparse Tensor Decomposition”, International Conference On Image Processing (ICIP) pp. 1769 – 1773, 2016.
  • V Abrol, P Sharma, F Shahrooz, AK Sao, AA Kassim, “Fast and Robust fMRI Unmixing Using Hierarchical Dictionary Learning”, International Conference on Image Processing ICIP2016, pp. 714 – 718, September 2016.
  • F Shahrooz, D Zoonobi, AA Kassim, J Jaremko, “Dynamic MRI reconstruction using low rank plus sparse tensor decomposition”, International Conference on Image Processing ICIP2016, Arizona, United States, September 2016 (Accepted).
  • S Ensafi, S Lu, AA Kassim, CL Tan, “Sparse non-parametric Bayesian model for hep-2 cell image classification”, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro ISBI2015,pp:679-682, New York, USA, April 2015.
  • A Taalimi, S Ensafi, S Lu, AA Kassim, CL Tan, “Multimodal dictionary learning and joint sparse representation for Hep-2 cell classification”, Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention MICCAI 2015, pp: 308-315, Munich, Germany, Oct 2015.
  • D Zoonobi, F Shahrooz, AA Kassim, “Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition with a-priori knowledge for Dynamic 3D MRI reconstruction”. Proceedings of BIOIMAGING/BIOSTEC2015, Lisbon, Portugal, Jan 2015.
  • D Zoonobi, F Shahrooz, AA Kassim,”Online reconstruction of Dynamic MR images using Dependent Nonparametric Bayesian Group Dictionary Learning”. Proceedings of BIOIMAGING/BIOSTEC2015, Lisbon, Portugal, Jan 2015.
  • A Kumar, CP Rajesh, AA Kassim, “Pedagogy and technology to enhance formative assessment and feedback: Pilot study for an undergraduate large class in digital fundamentals”, International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Singapore, Dec 2014.
  • S Ensafi, S Lu, AA Kassim, CL Tan, “3D Reconstruction of Neurons in Electron Microscopy Images”. International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC2014), pp: 6732-6735. Chicago, USA, 2014.
  • S Ensafi, S Lu, AA Kassim, CL Tan, “A Bag of Words Based Approach for Classification of HEp-2 Cell Images”. ICPR Workshop on Pattern Recognition Techniques for Indirect Immunofluorescence Images, pp: 29-32, Stockhlom, Sweden, Aug 2014.
  • S Ensafi, S Lu, AA Kassim, CL Tan, “Automatic CAD System for HEp-2 Cell Image Classification”. ICPR 2014 PP: 3321-3326, Stockhlom, Sweden, Aug 2014.
  • B Li, YV Venkatesh, AA Kassim, Y Lu, “Improving PMVS Algorithm For 3D Scene Reconstruction from Sparse Stereo Pairs”. Advances in Multimedia Information Processing PCM 2013, pp: 221-232 Nanjing, China, Dec 2013.
  • D Zoonobi, AA Kassim, “Low rank and Sparse matrix reconstruction with Partial Support Knowledge for surveillance video processing”. roceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2013),pp: 335-339. Australia, Sep 2013.
  • J Yuan, AA Kassim, “A sparse sampling model for 3D face recognition”, International Conference on Image Processing ICIP2013, pp: 3381-3385. Melbourne Australia, September 2013
  • VPW Shim, AA Kassim, ES Chan, SC Lim, LH TAI, “Attaining Overseas Experience for the Majority of Engineering Students”. Proceedings of 2013 Japanese Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, pp: 84-88, Nishi, Japan, Aug 2013.
  • A Kumar, RC Panicker, AA Kassim, “Enhancing VHDL Learning through a Light-weight Integrated Environment for Development and Automated Checking”. 2013 Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering, Bali, Indonesia, Aug 2013.
  • D Zoonobi, AA Kassim, “Weighted-CS for Reconstruction of highly Under-sampled Dynamic MRI Sequences”. Proceedings of 2012 Asia Pacific Signal & Information Processing Association (APSIPA), pp: 1-5, San Diego, United States, Dec 2012.
  • YR Loke, P Tan, AA Kassim, “Face Hallucination on Personal Photo Albums”. Proceeding of 2012 Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV2012) Workshops on Face Analysis: The Intersection of Computer Vision and Human Perception, vol.7729, pp: 284-295, Daejeon, South Korea, Nov 2012.
  • V.Y. Venkatesh, A.A. Kassim, D ZONOOBI, “Medical image reconstruction from sparse samples using simultaneous perturbation stochastic optimization “. International Conference on Image Processing 2010 (ICIP2010) pp: 3369-3372, 26 – 29 Sep 2010, Hong Kong.
  • X Jia, C Li, Y Sun, A.A. Kassim, Y.L. Wu, T Hitchens, C Ho, “A Data-driven Approach to Prior Extraction for Segmentation of Left Ventricle in Cardiac MR images”. The Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI2009),pp: 831-834, July 2009, Boston USA.
  • B. Ni, S Yan, A.A. Kassim, “Directed Markov Stationary Features for Visual Classification”. ICASSP’09, Apr 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • B. Ni, S Yan, A.A. Kassim, L.F. Cheong, “Learning by Propagability”. ICDM, Dec 2008, pisa, Italy.
  • R.D. Azar, A.A. Kassim, “Image compression using high order wedgelets in a generalized quad-tree.”. International Conference on Image Processing ICIP2008, pp: 133-136, Oct 2008, San Diego USA.
  • A.K. Mishra, B Ni, S Winkler, A.A. Kassim, “3D surveillance system using multiple cameras”, SPIE Proc. Videometrics, Feb 2007, San Jose, CA.
  • U Chan, A.A. Kassim, L.Y. Chew, “Detection and Interpretation of Text Information in Noisy Video Sequences”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference Control, Automation, Robotics & Vision, ICARCV, pp:454-457, Dec 2006, Singapore.
  • H.H. Koh, W. Shen, B Shuter, A.A. Kassim*, “Segmentation of kidney cortex in MRI studies using a constrained morphological 3D H maxima transform”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference Control, Automation, Robotics & Vision, ICARCV, pp: 637-641, Dec 2006, Singapore.
  • S Ramanathan, A.A. Kassim*, Y.V. Venkatesh. SW Wu, “Human facial expression recognition using a 3D Morphable Model.”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2006),pp: 661-664, 2006, Atlanta, GA.
  • H.Y. Lim, A.A. Kassim, “Fast Sub Pixel Motion Estimation for H.264”, Proceedings of Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACVIS2006), pp: 242-252, Sep 2006, Belgium.
  • Y.D. Wang, J.K. Wu, A.A. Kassim, W.M. Huang, “Tracking a Variable Number of Human Groups in Video Using Probability Hypothesis Density”. Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp: 1127-1130,Aug 2006, Hond Kong.
  • P. Yan, A.A Kassim, “MRA Image Segmentation with Capillary Active Contour”, The 8th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI2005, Palm Springs, California, USA, 26-29 October 2005.
  • P. Yan, W.J. Shen, A.A Kassim, “Segmentation of Neighboring Organs in Medical Image with Model Competition”, 8th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI2005, Palm Springs, California, USA, 26-29 October 2005.
  • Y.D. Wang, J.K. Wu, A.A Kassim, “Particle Filter for Visual Tracking Using Multiple Cameras”, The Ninth IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications, MVA2005, 16-18 May 2005, Tsukuba Science City, Japan.
  • Y.D. Wang, J.K. Wu, A.A Kassim, “Multiple Cameras Tracking Using Particle Filtering”, IEEE International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance (PETS). Breckenridge, Colorado, U.S.A, 5 January 2005.
  • S. Ramanathan, A.A. Kassim, S Gupta and K Sengupta, “Multi-Resolution Streaming And Rendering Of 3-D Dynamic Data” International Conference on Image Processing 2004, ICIP2004, pp 1967-1970, Singapore, October 2004.
  • P Yan, A.A. Kassim, “Medical Image Segmentation With Minimal Path Deformable Models”, International Conference on Image Processing 2004, ICIP2004, pp 2733-2736, Singapore, October 2004.
  • W Lao, Z. Cheng, A.H. Kam, T Tan, A.A. Kassim, “Focal Length Self-calibration Based on Degenerated Kruppa’s Equations: Method and Evaluation”, International Conference on Image Processing 2004, ICIP2004, pp 3391-3394, Singapore, October 2004.
  • W.S. Lee, and A.A. Kassim, “Image and animation cel coding using wedgelets and beamlets”, Visual Communications and Image Processing 2003. VCIP 2003, Vol. 5150, pp. 1460-1469, Lugano, Switzerland, July 2003.
  • W. Feng, A.A. Kassim and C.K. Tham, “Layered Self-Identifiable and Scalable video Codec for Delivery to Heterogenenous Receivers”, Visual Communications and Image Processing 2003. VCIP 2003, Vol. 5150, pp. 180-188, Lugano, Switzerland, July 2003.
  • A.A. Kassim, M Zhu, and MA Mannan, “Texture Analysis Using Fractals for Tool Wear Monitoring”, International Conference on Image Processing ICIP 2002, Rochester New York, September 2002.
  • A.A. Kassim and L.F. Zhou, “Rate Scalable Object Based wavelet compression for color images”, Picture Coding Syposium’1999, pp. 235-238, Portland, Oregon, USA, April 1999.
  • K.S. Chua, A.A. Kassim, and S Ranganath, “Implementation of Video Compression on DSP Devices”, International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology, CISST’97, June 30 – July 3, 1997, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp 385 to 391 (ISBN:09648666-9-2).
  • Y.C. Chim, A.A. Kassim, and Y Ibrahim, “Handwritten digit recognition using Radial Basis Functions”, International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology, CISST’97, June 30 – July 3, 1997, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp 429 to 433 (ISBN:09648666-9-2).
  • J.Y. Tham, S. Ranganath, A.A. Kassim, “Scalable Very Low Bit Rate Video Compression Using Motion Compensated 3-D Wavelet Decomposition”, IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS), vol. 3, pp. 871 – 875, November 1996.
  • P.G.T. Dias, A.A. Kassim, V Srinivasan, “A neural network based corner detection method”, 1995 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks ICNN’95, 2116-2120 (vol.4), Perth Australia, November 1995.
  • P.G.T. Dias, A.A. Kassim, V Srinivasan, “Neural network classifier for detecting corners in 2-D images”, 1995 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Intelligent Systems for the 21st Century, vol. 4711; pp. 661-666 (vol.1), New York NY, October 1995.

Research Interests

  • Digital video
  • Image & signal processing
  • Computer vision
  • Machine learning
  • Deep learning
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