Under the ISTD Pillar, we offer Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science and Design). CSD was previously known as Bachelor of Engineering (Information Systems Technology and Design). The decision to change the programme name to CSD aims to accurately reflect the computing-intensive curriculum that students have undergone in the ISTD pillar.
CSD core courses, shown in green, are offered every year in Term 4 and 5. These are mandatory courses for all CSD students. The five subjects aim to equip students with basic computational and mathematical tools needed for problem solving using computers and to instil algorithmic thinking.
Electives, shown in blue, provide the opportunity for students to customise the ISTD degree according to their interests and future careers.
- AY2019 ISTD students are required to take a minimum of 4 ISTD electives in order to graduate from the ISTD degree.
- AY2020 ISTD students (and subsequent batches) are required to take a minimum of 5 ISTD electives in order to graduate from the ISTD degree.
Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) are essential component of an SUTD degree.
Students are required to take a HASS elective every term from Term 4 onwards.
The capstone is a culminating project that allows students to use the skills they have learned in ISTD in a real world industry or research project. The capstone projects often focus on interdisciplinary applications, solved by a team of students chosen appropriately from different pillars.
From AY2017 onwards, students who have, and maintain a CGPA of 3.5 or above (and passed all Freshmore subjects) are eligible to enrol for an additional course in Term 5, 6 or 7. Subject to the prerequisites and timing of the course, students may use this flexibility to take an additional HASS or elective course.
The following diagram depicts the typical sequence of courses in the CSD curriculum.
Each column from left to right represents the Spring (Jan-Apr), Summer (May-Aug) and Fall (Sept-Dec) terms respectively. The Freshmore terms (1,2,3) are shown in grey. SUTD students choose their pillar at the end of Term 3, and begin their pillar studies in Term 4. CSD core courses are indicated in green, electives in blue, and HASS electives in orange.
CSD curriculum (AY2020 to AY2023)
* Choose any 2 Electives
CSD curriculum (AY2024 onwards)
* Choose any 2 Electives